Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Haute Dogs

Ate at this nice place in Kaka'ako area. They serve gourmet sausages and dogs. The fries were AWESOME too because they are twice cooked which makes them the right crispy yet soft. On the left is a chicken sausage with fresh mango topping. On the left is the andouille sausage with cajun mustard and sauteed onions. Spicy but delicious. I recommend, but bring cash. [picture taken with a red filter]

Monday, June 29, 2009

Honolulu Zoo

Went to the zoo this weekend before the new city fees will raise the price to go. It was incredibly hot in the park, but the animals were surprisingly lively. Normally when we go, they are sleeping and avoiding the midday heat. I like the contrast of the condo with the zebra.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Song stuck in my head

Really customized

Saw this one the other day. Not my style but I can sure appreciate the work that when into it. Notice the glass handle tank shifter and the large horns near the passenger pegs.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kamehameha Day

Recently we had Kamehameha Day, but being a Thursday they had the parade on Saturday. We tend to skip the long parade in the hot sun. But we do like to see the statue in downtown covered in leis afterward.

Metric sweetness

Saw this when I was taking in my bike in for some warranty work. If only I could take this for a spin.

I think I was there getting an alarm put on it. I certainly would. Got as close as I could without trying to make anyone nervous.